Solar energy is a clean, renewable energy source that can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and our environmental effect. Solar energy, unlike traditional fossil fuels such as coal and oil, does not result in the direct discharge of pollutants (such as carbon dioxide) into the environment or water supply. Solar energy, even when compared to nuclear energy, comes out on top as a more environmentally beneficial option.
Many homeowners are concerned about their electricity bills since, in most cases, there is nothing they can do to influence the rate charged by their provider. While the price of solar has dropped by more than 70% in the last decade, the price of energy has grown by around 5%, and this trend is projected to continue. When it comes to energy generation, going solar puts you in control. Utilities are quickly adapting to the expanding use of renewable energy, and the Canadian government’s greenhouse gas emission reduction goals are rapidly increasing, so there’s never been a better moment to be energy self-sufficient.
“Installation went very smoothly; there were no hidden costs & all paperwork was completed seamlessly.”
// Silvester Scott
solar output efficiency
Solar panels can really make you money in addition to saving you money on your bills, thanks to a number of fantastic solar incentives available in Canada. Solar renewable energy credits and net metering are two significant solar energy benefits that allow you to earn bill credits as your system generates electricity.
- Electric bills can be reduced or eliminated.
- Improve the value of your home
- Reduce your carbon footprint.
Solar panels are appealing to millions of Canadian households, but they haven’t taken the time to learn how to install them. This consumer reality, as well as the apparent advantages of having solar panels installed on a home, is backed up by recent studies that show property prices rise when solar panels are installed.
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